From the birth of timeshare, it swept over Europe like this amazing new way of holidaying. It was introduced as something you have to have as a holidaymaker, especially if you sought quality combined with flexibility and a warm feeling of hospitality. Meeting the same people every year, "knowing what you were going to get" was the sales argument.
Read more...Many timeshare owners are stuck in unwanted timeshares all over the world, and we have, through hard work and much trial and error learnt the ins and outs of how we can get the job done with almost every single timeshare contract. So much that we now can offer to help you on a no win no fee basis, meaning we won't charge upfront for doing the job.
Read more...Disposing of timeshare or having Holiday Ownership issues is extremely problematic in today's climate. Families who have enjoyed years of good holidays but no longer have need for a long term leisure product – either because of ill health, old age or spiralling maintenance fees – find themselves tied into their ownership through perpetuity clauses which threaten to leave their children with an ongoing liability.
Read more...Fixed week ownership
Floating weeks ownership
Fractional ownership
Points memberships
Other forms of packages
North American timeshares
South American timeshares
Caribbean timeshare
Asian Timeshares
Timeshare has evolved with time and are today sold under new names such as holiday clubs, point's memberships, VIP clubs and many more. They all have one thing in common; its timeshare.
As a European citizen you have certain rights that we have fully familiarised ourselves with in order to make your exits as fast and non expensive as possible.
We help people in groups so as to be able to offer as much discount as we can to our clients.
Contact us for a free consultation of what service we can offer you.
We also (when warranted) go for a no win no fee consumer claim in accordance with the European consumer credit act of 1974.
Many favourable rulings and new legislation, especially under the Consumer Credit banner, has led to many successful compensation payments being made to our clients.
Sim Legal asked for no money before we had confirmation we have no more financial obligations to our timeshare provider. This made the choice easy for us...
Finally my husband and I could let go of what had been a financial burden for us since I was unable to travel due to health issues...
6 Wochen nach dem Kontakt mit SIM Legal erhielten wir die Bestätigung, dass wir kein Timesharing mehr besitzen und dass wir das hinter uns lassen könnten..."
After enjoying our product for over 20 years we could not cope with the maintenance fee any longer and decided to let SIM Legal help us get rid of it on a no win no fee basis, shortly after we received confirmation that we're out!...
Initially we were very sceptical as we have had multiple companies contacting us over the years promising money back and exit from our timeshare, the people we spoke to over at SIM Legal sounded like they knew what they were talking about, this with the no win no fee basis made us go ahead. To our delight we received confirmation that we were out of the timeshare only a few weeks in to it and SIM Legal are now in the process of another no win no fee consumer claim on our behalf...
Våra barn hade inga planer på att ta över medlemskapet när den dagen kommer och vi bestämde oss för att anlita SIM Legal för att garantera oss samt våra barn att inga finansiella bördor kommer överlåtas till dem...
After being scammed last year by a company claiming to help us out of our timeshare, we never thought we would be able to get out. SIM Legal offered to do all the work for us as they were confident they would exit us from the contract within a couple of months, and that we would not have to pay them their fee until we had confirmation we were out! With nothing to lose we agreed to accept their services and did not think much would come of it. It took only a few days until we were contacted by someone from their legal team needing my assistance with some additional information. A few weeks later we received confirmation from the trustee of our timeshare that we're out and have no more financial obligations to our timeshare provider. Margaret and I have never been happier to pay for a service...
Lomaosakealasta ja myyntiesittelyistä johtuen meitä epäilytti kovin tämä palvelu. Mutta halusimme eroon lomajäsenyydestämme Teneriffalla, ja koska palvelusta ei tarvinnut maksaa etukäteen, päätimme tarttua tarjoukseen. Nyt olemme tyytyväisiä. Saamme jatkossa matkustaa minne haluamme. Kiitos Sim Legal.
Na jaren lang vast te hebben gezeten in ons timeshare kwamen we in contact met Sim Legal in Tenerife. Zei hadden ons op een no win no fee basis in 8 weken uit onze timeshare geholpen. Ook hun claim proces verliep soepel en ook hoefde we hier niets op voorhand te betalen! Sim legal bedankt voor jullie hulp,
Vele malen zijn wij opgelicht. Nooit meer wilden wij van Timeshare horen. Toch zijn wij met Sim Legal in zee gegaan, vooral omdat ze alles op een no win no fee basis doen. Nu mogen wij ons gelukkige ex-eigenaren noemen want wij zijn geen eigenaar meer! Met 5 weken was alles rond.